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In today’s world, tracking vehicles, people, and resources is critical to keeping budget costs low and inventory records current. This management capability helps to ensure job safety, company security and profits.
Utility companies continue to be challenged with knowing what assets they have in the field and what equipment is attached to them. HB NEXT map and data experts can take your existing inventory data and perform a live audit in the field to compare what you think you have with actual inventory found.
HB NEXT Handles GIS & GPS Asset Mapping
To ensure the most accurate information, HB NEXT utilizes GIS map and data software in conjunction with technicians in the field using hand-held Tremble Satellite GPS devices to capture actual field inventory. HB NEXT GIS experts will compare the data captured in the field to the utility companies map and data. The GIS experts will then create a GIS map that displays and outlines what was found during the field inventory and make a comparison to the map and data information provided by the utility. HB NEXT Utility Staff has over 200 years of experience working with utility service companies. Why not have the expertise of GPS Asset Mapping from HB NEXT perform an audit of your inventory to increase your ROI. Let HB NEXT become your Utility Service expert partner.