Personal Fall Arrest Systems

Topic Progress:

(d)(1) Connectors shall be drop forged, pressed or formed steel, or made of equivalent                            materials.

(d)(3) Dee-rings and snap-hooks shall have a minimum tensile strength of 5,000 pounds.

(d)(5) Snap-hooks shall be sized to be compatible with the member to which, they are                              connected to prevent unintentional disengagement of the snap-hook by depression of                  the snap-hook keeper by the connected member.

(d)(8) Horizontal lifelines shall be designed, installed, and used, under the supervision of a                       qualified person, as part of a complete personal fall arrest system, which maintains a                     safety factor of at least two.

(d)(9) Lanyards and vertical lifelines shall have a minimum breaking strength of 5,000 pounds.

(d)(11) Lifelines shall be protected against being cut or abraded.

(d)(12) Self-retracting lifelines and lanyards which automatically limit free fall distance to 2 feet                or less shall be capable of sustaining a minimum tensile load of 3,000 pounds.

(d)(15) Anchorages used for attachment of personal fall arrest equipment shall be independent               of any anchorage being used to support or suspend platforms and capable of                                 supporting at least 5,000 pounds per employee attached.