Seminars, Awareness, Refreshers
ANSI A10.34 Public Safety
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The objective of the ANSI 10.34 Class is to introduce contractors to the standard and its intention “for use as a guideline to provide protection for the public.” This course covers the responsibilities, implementation of a safety performance program, initiation of required responsibilities, development for prevention of typical construction hazards, establishing security, the requirements and processes for conducting Accident Investigations, and the repairs and replacements. As well, it will enhance management of B-S-Q-S & P … Budget, Schedule, Quality, Safety, and … People.
Basic Safety Awareness
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This 4-hour course is designed to provide employees who do not necessarily require full 10-hour or 30-hour OSHA training with a brief introduction to construction site safety. Students will gain exposure to construction fatality statistics, selection criteria for Personal Protective Equipment, standards for Hazard Communication, and fire prevention. Additionally, students will learn the various components required to establish an effective safety program, requirements for confined space entry and an orientation to blood borne pathogens, including controls for preventing the transmission of infectious diseases in the workplace.
Confined Space Refresher
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In this course you will learn an overview of confined space entry, the definition / recognition of confined spaces, different types of confined space, why “Entry Permit” written programs are required, hazards likely to be found in and around various confined spaces and how to eliminate / control them, pre entry procedures and precautions to take before entering a confined space and emergency rescue procedures.
CPR / First Aid Refresher
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This 4-hour class recertifies supervisors, foremen and other employees who have been previously trained in CPR /1st Aid and are approaching the expiration date of their CPR / 1st Aid credentials. It covers a review of Emergency Action Plan, a review of 29 CFR Parts 1926.35 and 1910.30, a review of Consent and Approval, and all attendees will receive a laminated class card upon completion.
Crane Refresher
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This is 4-hour course is designed to meet your supervisors, foremen, operators, and workers needs and the required OSHA standards. It covers and introduction to OSHA, a review of 29CFR Part 1926.550, review of ANSI B30.5, a Crane Management Plan, mandatory crane inspection and maintenance, Critical Lift Planning, protection of the public, communication and crane signals.
Driver Safety
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This course will cover an introduction to OSHA, distracted driving and defensive driving. Learn about the changing driving culture and tips on how to combat distracted driving. How to identify driving hazards, an understanding of defensive driving techniques and how to use them to prevent accidents and injuries on the road.
Electrical Safety Awareness
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Attendees will be able to identify the hazards that can affect employees when application of the standards under 29 CFR 1926.400 Subpart K and 1910.147 Subpart S are not correctly applied in the workplace. The course will cover an introduction to OSHA, review 29 CFR Part 1910.147 & 29 CFR Part 1926.400, discussion of scope, application and purpose of electrical standards, development of knowledge of electrical hazards, and implementation of procedures including GFCI requirements, inspection of cords, tools, receptacles, junction boxes and more.
Equipment Operator Safety
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This course includes an introduction to OSHA and Subpart O, other OSHA and Federal requirements and an equipment manual review.
Excavation Refresher
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This course will allow someone to refresh their knowledge about soil analysis, the use of protective systems and the requirements of Subpart P.
Fall Protection Awareness
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This course will cover an introduction to OSHA Standards, the “duty” of the employer, Subpart “M” general requirements, a review of 1926.500 – 1926.503, personal fall arrest systems, demonstration of Fall Protection – PPE – and development and maintenance of a Fall Protection Plan.
Fall Protection Refresher
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This course will cover an introduction to OSHA Standards, the “duty” of the employer, Subpart “M” general requirements, a review of 1926.500 – 1926.503, personal fall arrest systems, demonstration of Fall Protection – PPE – and development and maintenance of a Fall Protection Plan.
Fire Extinguisher Safety
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This course will cover the importance of implementing a safety program, a review of OSHA Subpart F (1926.150-1926.155) the different classifications of fire extinguishers, and methods for observing, detecting, and handling hazardous materials.
Hazard Communication / SDS Awareness
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This class covers the location of the written Hazard Communication Program, a list of hazardous materials, Safety Data Sheets (SDS), descriptions of the jobs where these hazards are present, physical and health hazards of the chemicals that present potential exposure, personal protection requirements for chemicals, ways to observe and detect the presence of hazardous chemicals, labeling requirements and explanation of labeling system, where to find SDS and how to read them, first aid requirements and emergency response information, and when an employee of another company performs work and there is a potential for exposure to a hazardous chemical.
How to Deal with a GC Superintendent
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This is a must have, informative, 2-hour seminar designed to assist your field supervisors and foremen in “dealing with” and reducing conflicts with, the G.C. Superintendent and/or client. It includes an introduction, redefining of responsibilities discussion of written and verbal communication skills, a review of how to properly represent the company and the importance of building a successful relationships.
How to Handle an OSHA Inspection
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This fast paced seminar is one of the many management tools your field supervisors and foremen need in today’s construction industry. It covers an introduction to OSHA, a review of the OSHA inspection process, how to interact with the OSHA inspector, documentation recommendations and “how to” have a successful inspection.
Lead Awareness
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This course includes an introduction to OSHA, review of the General Duty Clause, correct cleaning procedures, protective clothing, review of 1926.62 and 1910.34, effective respirator programs, special problems and Lead Exposure Protection Policy.
Materials Handling Safety
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This is a 4-hour Material Handler Safety course, tailored to your equipment and designed to meet your supervisors, foremen, operators, and workers needs in Material Handler Safety and the required OSHA standards. It covers an introduction to OSHA, review of 29 CFR Part 1926.600 and ANSI, a discussion and review of your operator’s manual or review the AEM (generic) manual and important inspection & documentation procedures. All attendees will receive a student training manual and a certificate of completion for this course.
MSHA Refresher
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This 8-hr refresher class for contractors is designed to assist you and your employees in meeting the required MSHA training standards. It covers an introduction to MSHA a review of 30 CFR Part 56, 30 CFR Part 48, 30 CFR Part 46 and Subparts A – T and a review of “Best Practices.”
Power, Communication, and Fiber Optic
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This class covers an introduction of OSHA, review of Subpart V Part 1926.950, Subpart R Part 1910.268, 1910.133 and 1910.269 and procedural requirements.
PPE Awareness
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This course covers a review of Subpart E 1926.95, 1926.96 and 1926.100-1926.107, types of hard hats and associated regulations, ear, eye and face protection, and specific evaluations and tests that must be performed to insure safety.
RF Safety
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This class highlights general OSHA Standards and the interpretation of the standards, other Federal, National and Foreign National Consensus. It also covers elements of an Effective Safety Program, employer responsibilities, hazards, Fall Protection – PPE – and exposure limits.
Rigging Awareness
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This 4-hour course is designed to meet the needs of your supervisors, formen, operators and workers needs and the required OSHA standards. The course covers an introduction to OSHA, a review of 29CFR Part 1926.251 & ASME B30.9, a review of rigging procedures, hitches, multiple-leg hitches, hardware, shackles, hooks, eye bolts, hoists, sling stresses, sling attachments and more.
Safety & Team Building
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This 8-hour course is designed to enhance overall job site safety awareness while improving communication between general contractors, builders and the subcontractors who perform work on their projects. Often viewed by attendees as a “miniature OSHA 10hr” course, the Safety and Teambuilding Session includes subject matter that is taught during conventional OSHA training such as: an introduction to OSHA, recordkeeping requirements, occupational health, fall protection and electrical safety. Additionally, students learn about OSHA inspections; the OSHA inspection process, reasons why inspections occur and how to conduct themselves accordingly during an inspection. To complement the safety-oriented topics learned during this course, students will also learn critical communication skills and how to maintain positive client relations while being fully immersed in the importance of managing a project’s budget, schedule, quality, safety and personnel.
Scaffold Awareness
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This course will cover an introduction to OSHA, a review 29 CFR Part 1926.450, .451, .452, .453, and .454, how to develop and maintain a Scaffolding Protection Plan, and how to identify and correct Scaffold Hazards.
Scaffold Refresher
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This course will cover an introduction to OSHA, a review 29 CFR Parts 1926.450, .451, .452, .453, and .454, how to develop and maintain a Scaffolding Protection Plan, and how to identify and correct Scaffold Hazards.
Signal Person Awareness
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This course covers a review of Subpart CC, ANSI hand signals, verbal signals and how to be a designated spotter for proximity to the power lines.
Substance Abuse – Employee
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The objective of this course is to familiarize all employees with the company’s written policy on drug use and rehabilitation, to raise awareness of alcohol and substance abuse in the workplace, to educate employees on the health hazards, to inform employees of the consequences of substance abuse and how the policy will enforced and to provide information for those in need of assistance.
Substance Abuse – Supervisor
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This class covers hidden costs, detection methods, review of an effective written policy and how it should be enforced, how to be a part of the program, other possible issues, do’s and don’ts, and how to confront an employee professionally.
The Four Principles of Defense Against OSHA Citations
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How do you ensure that you and your company are protected from Regulatory Agencies like OSHA? What’s the best way? In this day and age, it isn’t enough to just be safe. You must also be compliant to the rules and regulations whether you know them or not. This seminar will teach you about the four ways to make sure you are protected, and it will describe the best practices within each.
Truck Dock & Warehouse Safety
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This is a fast paced 4-hour course designed to explain in detail the OSHA regulations regarding the hazards and safety associated with truck docks and warehouses. It includes a review of 1910.21 – 30 (Walking Working Surfaces), 1910.33 – 39 (Exit Routes, Emergency Action Plans and Fire Prevention Plans), 1910.95 (Noise Exposure), 1910.151 (First Aid), 1910.176 – 184 (Material Handling), 1910.301 – 399 (Electrical), 1910.1000 – 1450 (Toxic and Hazardous Substances). All Attendees will receive a student manual and certification upon successful completion of this course.