OSHA Compliant Safety Manual
Did you know 12 people a day die working in hazardous conditions? Three people die a day working at a construction jobsite. Although OSHA safety manuals may seem long, tedious and boring, they are essential to protecting the lives of your employees. Additionally, how do you know if your safety manual is a sound blueprint for your safety program? How’s the safety enforcing, tracking and educating of your team? Don’t risk getting an OSHA violation on your safety manual due to lacking the required information. Since 1998, HB NEXT has been building sound OSHA safety manuals with solid business management and workers comp experience. HB NEXT knows what you need to do and what you must have for your safety manual to be compliant with OSHA.
- Consulting – safety program analysis
- Standard OSHA compliant safety manuals – customized to each company’s specific work activities
- Pre-qualification compliant manual which has the OSHA standards and is structured to a company’s operation and activity to meet or exceed the necessary protocols and safety standards to be ISNetworld, Browz, PICS or PEC Premier compliant.
- Site specific safety management plan
- Safety manual implementation – hosting a 2 to 3 hour safety training with your team
- Complimentary reviews of your current safety manual
- Total safety review
- Mock OSHA assessment review on your job site
HB NEXT is a partner who not only writes your next safety manual, but trains your staff for your first safety implementation. After decades of training company employees, HB NEXT knows how to engage employees, ensuring they are connecting your policy with their own personal safety and professional/financial safety. This process brings your staff from the “check a box and get it done” to “buying-in on company safety policy and procedures” which ultimately saves lives and reduces injuries and workers comp. HB NEXT also offers a digital form of safety implementation for companies who continue to hire additional people throughout the year.
As your dependable partner, HB NEXT knows the value of starting with a solid site specific safety plan for construction. Don’t leave your project weak from the start. Contact us today and start taking advantage of our expertise to keep your construction site safe. Don’t forget to book your safety orientation so your crews can begin their project.