NPDES Level 1B
This is a two day class with an exam at the end. This class has been prepared by the Georgia Soil and Water Conservation Commission and is presented by a GSWCC authorized trainer. Attendees must present photo identification before taking the test, which is proctored by a proctor authorized by the GSWCC. The class covers background of the impact of House Bill 285 of 2003, erosion and sedimentation (E & S) processes and enforcement, The Georgia Erosion and Sedimentation Act, stream buffer requirements, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, vegetative measures for E & S Control, structural practices for E & S Control, field maintenance of structural & vegetative Best Management Practices, Resource Information, requirements for LIA and EPD enforcement inspectors and protocol and roles of local, county, state and federal agencies in E & SC. Students who pass the exam will receive their certification from the GSWCC within 60 days. Persons who have had a similar approved class / seminar within the last three years may sit for the exam only. A citizenship verification is required for all applicants taking this course.