Please Visit our New Website HB NEXT Energy Solutions
The energy demands upon our utility companies continue to grow and labor shortages continue to rise. For many years, HB NEXT has served the nation’s largest energy providers and local utility companies with services. These services help to protect utility-based revenue streams, increase efficiency in billing and identify proper inventory levels of power utility assets.
HB NEXT Offers Utility Services
Load Management
Are you looking to reduce electricity demand during peak hours? Ask HB NEXT Load Management Services to assist your company.
GIS & GPS Asset Mapping
In today’s world, tracking vehicles, people, and resources is critical to keeping budget costs low and inventory records current.
Metering Services
HB NEXT is one of the nation’s largest metering service providers to utility clients and 3rd party utility support providers.
Lighting Services
Managing a lighting project is a large undertaking. The staff at HB NEXT has years of experience to meet your needs.
Service Location Audits
HB NEXT technicians visit customer service locations for power utility providers to visually inspect power meters and yard lights.
Substation As-Built Audits
HB NEXT provides qualified technicians to visually inspect power utility substations and to markup existing As-Built Drawings.
HB NEXT has earned the trust of the nation’s largest utility companies. We provide two person crews for metering services. We are your partner to help your company get through your audits, repairs and maintenance. HB NEXT has saved utility companies time and money with our expertise. HB NEXT offers custom services as well. Just Ask HB NEXT and we’ll put a plan together to meet your demands.