Pond Inspections Within Stormwater Management Systems
Stormwater is rainwater or melted snow that runs off streets, lawns, and other sites. As stormwater absorbs into the soil, it is filtered and ultimately flows into streams and rivers. Areas with impervious surfaces like pavement or roofs prevent water from naturally soaking into the ground; instead, it runs rapidly into storm drains, sewers, and drainage ditches, potentially causing several issues that require expert pond inspection and analysis.
A stormwater management facility can encompass a variety of techniques to control stormwater. In many neighborhoods and commercial areas, stormwater management is accomplished with ponds. Pond inspections are required, often on an annual basis. There are two main types of ponds:
- A Retention Pond is a constructed pond that retains and treats stormwater runoff. It allows the entrance of large amounts of water while releasing small amounts as needed.
- Detention Ponds are shallow basins with a small slope to divert water, allowing it to flow from the inlet to the outlet. They are usually dry until after it rains.
Is Your System Working Properly?
Proactively managing your stormwater facilities prevents pollutants from entering nearby water bodies or flooding – and it saves you money over time. Regular inspections and maintenance of your stormwater facility are often required by law.
- Most municipalities have an ordinance for long-term maintenance and inspection of stormwater facilities, requiring all newer stormwater systems/facilities to be regularly inspected and maintained by the property owner
- Requirements are spelled out in the Inspection and Maintenance Agreement developed by the design engineer and submitted to the municipality
- Failure to perform the required inspections and maintenance can result in citations and fines
HB NEXT Can Help You Comply With Local Ordinances By:
- Providing an experienced stormwater professional to perform the required pond inspections
- Completing and submitting a detailed inspection report to you and/or the municipality
- Making recommendations on the type of maintenance required, if any
- Creating an inspection and management program for your facilities