South Carolina’s Updated Construction General Permit: What’s New, What’s Different, and What it Means to You
As of March 1, 2021, South Carolina’s new Construction General Permit (CGP) is active! This version replaces its 2012 predecessor and contains several changes.
Some of the most significant changes to the permit process include:
- E-Permitting: Allowances have been made for the use of the department’s E-Permitting system for the receipt of NOIs, NOTs, and other documents
- Inspection Frequency: 2019 CGP Section 4.2.B – The proposed permit includes a requirement that no more than 9 days may lapse between inspections. In addition, the permit reiterates that if the entire site has reached final stabilization, yet no Notice of Termination (NOT) has been filed, that monthly inspections must continue until such time as the operator files the NOT.
- Inspection Reports: 2019 CGP Section 4.2.F – The proposed permit adds the following items to the required inspection:
- Inspection of ALL discharge points identified in the SWPPP
- Total rainfall since the last inspection
- Determination if the construction sequence is being followed Status of corrective actions being undertaken following the previous inspection to include date(s) each item was addressed
- List of items that have carried over from previous inspection reports that were not addressed
- Corrective Action Documentation: 2019 CGP Section 4.3.A – The proposed permit requires the operator of construction activities to provide documentation when maintenance to BMPs must take longer than 7 days to complete. This should include an estimation of the timeframe to complete the required actions.
For a more in-depth overview, please see the full fact sheet from SCDHEC. You can also access the new CGP in its entirety.
If your company needs assistance with NPDES / SWPPP inspections, HB NEXT is ready to help! StormCloud, our nationally-recognized inspection software, has incorporated the requirements of the South Carolina CGP. Reach out today to schedule a demo and find out how we can help!