What is NCCER?
NCCER is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) education foundation created in 1996 as The National Center for Construction Education and Research. It was developed with the support of more than 125 construction CEOs and various association and academic leaders who united to revolutionize training for the construction industry. Sharing the common goal of developing a safe and productive workforce, these companies created a standardized training and credentialing program for the industry. This progressive program has evolved into curricula for more than 70 craft areas and a complete series of more than 70 assessments offered in over 4,000 NCCER-accredited training and assessment locations across the United States.
How NCCER helps you
NCCER develops standardized construction and maintenance curricula and assessments with portable credentials. These credentials are tracked through the NCCER registry allowing organizations and companies to track the qualifications of their craft professionals and/or check the qualifications of possible new hires. NCCER’s registry also assists craft professionals by maintaining their records in a secure database.
NCCER’s workforce development process of accreditation, instructor certification, standardized curriculum, registry, assessment and certification is a key component in the industry’s workforce development efforts. NCCER also drives multiple initiatives to enhance career development and recruitment efforts for the industry.
HB NEXT instructors are NCCER certified. Don’t risk your training to individuals who can’t deliver the best safety and compliance training programs to your crews.